Knee Replacement

Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon located in Idaho Falls, ID

Knee Replacement

Knee Replacement services offered in Idaho Falls, ID

Every year, 600,000 Americans undergo knee replacement surgery to effectively address pain and improve mobility. At Ridgeline Orthopedics in Idaho Falls, Idaho, expert orthopedic surgeon R. Jeff Grondel, MD, regularly performs knee replacement surgery to restore mobility and improve the quality of life for adults with chronic knee pain. If you’ve tried many treatments for knee pain without success, knee replacement is worth considering. Request your consultation by calling the office or by clicking the online booking tool today.

Knee Replacement Q&A

What is knee replacement surgery?


Knee replacement surgery removes damaged parts of your knee joint and restores the joint with durable plastic and metal parts. The surgery has a remarkable success rate, providing dramatic relief for inflammation, damage, and pain caused by diseases like osteoarthritis. 

What is the knee replacement surgery process like?

In knee replacement surgery, Dr. Grondel removes damaged bone and cartilage in the knee joint. He places new metal surfaces on the ends of the bones and positions a plastic spacer between them. The prosthetics work together to give you a full range of motion. 

Is knee replacement surgery painful?


It’s normal to experience some pain and swelling after knee replacement surgery. But, Dr. Grondel gives you clear guidelines to follow during recovery and ensures that you’re as comfortable as possible. 


He develops a unique exercise protocol that strengthens your knee and speeds up your body’s natural healing processes.


With a combination of proper pain management and physical therapy, you’ll find that knee replacement can be a smooth and straightforward procedure with a faster recovery than you might expect. While some pain is to be expected, the profound quality-of-life improvement is well worth it.


Am I a candidate for knee replacement surgery?


Dr. Grondel performs a comprehensive assessment of your knee and individual medical needs to determine if you’re a candidate for knee replacement surgery. If you’ve exhausted all other types of treatment and your knee pain disrupts your daily life, Dr. Grondel may recommend knee replacement. 


Most knee replacement surgery candidates are 60-80 years old, but Dr. Grondel evaluates each patient individually based on pain and disability level. Knee replacement can be successful for appropriate candidates of any age.  


Are the results of knee replacement surgery permanent?


Usually, knee replacements last 15-20 years. About 90% of total knee replacements still function effectively 15 years post-surgery. 


Dr. Grondel helps you get the best knee replacement longevity by recommending a long-term plan for healthy living. Before surgery, preparation or “prehab” can strengthen the muscles around your knee prior to surgery, so it may help you get the best results long term. 


If knee pain prevents you from participating in activities you used to love, consider knee replacement surgery. Make an appointment at Ridgeline Orthopedics by calling the office or by clicking the online booking tool today.