Robotic Joint Replacement

Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon located in Idaho Falls, ID

Robotic Joint Replacement

Robotic Joint Replacement services offered in Idaho Falls, ID

Robotic joint replacement can offer you a second chance at having a functional knee joint. Using a surgical robot for increased precision and dexterity, board-certified orthopedic surgeon R. Jeff Grondel, MD, specializes in robotic joint replacement at Ridgeline Orthopedics in Idaho Falls, Idaho. To book your consultation for surgery, call Ridgeline Orthopedics or book an appointment online today.

Robotic Joint Replacement Q&A

What is robotic joint replacement?

Robotic joint replacement is a category of surgery that uses the assistance of a robot to remove injured joints and replace them with functional prosthetics. The robot doesn’t perform the surgery independently but instead assists your surgeon. Dr. Grondel guides the robotic system’s precise movements using a control panel. 


During your robotic joint replacement surgery, Dr. Grondel guides the arms of the robotic system to make small incisions and remove damaged tissue and bone from inside the joint. Artificial components then replace the tissue damage, including components made of biocompatible plastics, polymers, and metals. 

What are the advantages of robotic joint replacement?

Robotic joint replacement has considerable advantages over traditional joint replacement surgeries. The robot allows for smooth and precise movement, which gives robotic surgery many advantages over traditional methods. 


Compared to open surgery, robotic joint replacement offers:


  • More precision
  • Smaller incisions
  • Less scarring
  • Lower risk of surgical complications
  • A shorter recovery
  • Less blood loss
  • Reduced postoperative pain
  • Better visualization for your surgeon
  • Improved dexterity for your surgeon


All hip and knee replacement surgery candidates at Ridgeline Orthopedics can get robotic joint replacement instead of conventional joint replacement surgery. 

When is robotic joint replacement an option for treatment?

At Ridgeline Orthopedics, Dr. Grondel recommends robotic joint replacement on a case-by-case basis. If your joint damage is too severe to improve with nonsurgical care, you might benefit from:

Knee replacement

Knee damage can be particularly severe because you rely on your knees to stand, walk, and run. This can cause increased wear-and-tear in the joint and can make it difficult for knee damage to heal. You might need knee replacement surgery because of severe damage from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. It can involve replacing the entire joint or just part. 


To find out more about robotic joint replacement surgeries and how they can restore your mobility, call Ridgeline Orthopedics or schedule an appointment online today.